What is Functional Medicine?
Functional medicine is an evolution in the practice of medicine that better addresses the healthcare needs of the 21st century. By shifting the traditional disease-centered focus of medical practice to a more patient-centered approach, functional medicine addresses the whole person, not just an isolated set of symptoms. Functional medicine practitioners spend time with their patients, listening to their histories, and looking at the interactions among genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors that can influence long-term health and complex, chronic disease. In this way, functional medicine supports the unique expression of health and vitality for each individual. “One of the biggest tragedies of human civilization is the precedence of chemical therapy over nutrition. It’s the substitution of artificial therapy over natural, of poisons over food, in which we are feeding people poisons trying to correct the reactions of starvation.” – Dr. Royal Lee, the founder of Standard Process The nutritional and metabolic program offered by ChiroPlus Wellness Care has been designed to provide the best and the most effective natural remedy care possible with properly personalized lifestyle modification and necessary whole-food-based supplements rather than the use of isolated or synthetic supplements. Ask our staff or the doctor about our program today!
What Is The First Step For This Approach?
In ChiroPlus Wellness Care, comprehensive blood panels, urine/saliva testing are routinely used to find out the source of the patient’s health issues. After the initial consultation and examination, Dr. Eric Choi, DC determines what testing may be necessary to reveal the source of the health problems at hand. The results will be thoroughly interpreted and reported during your follow-up consultation and report of finding sessions. He will also discuss lifestyle modification therapy including but not limited to diet therapy, exercise, use of supplements/herb, and other daily habits and routines to improve one’s overall health and fitness.
Here is the he summary of the types of Laboratory tests offered in our office. For more details continue to read below to learn more about them.
- Comprehensive Blood test – Click here for a sample report
- DUTCH test (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) – Click the tests below for the sample reports.
– DUTCH Complete
– DUTCH Plus
– DUTCH Cycle Mapping
- GI Panel/Stool analysis – Click here for a sample report
- IgG Food Explorer (Food sensitivity Test)– Click here for a sample report
- IgE Allergy Explorer (Food Allergy Test): Click here for a sample report
- Salivary/Urine Toxic Metals & Elements Panel: Click here for a sample report
- GenomicInsight Test: See above for sample report links
- Neurotransmitter test – Click here for a sample report
- OAp (Organic Acid Profile) test – Click here for a sample report
Comprehensive Blood Test
This test includes Complete Blood Count (CBC), differentials, Comprehensive Metabolic Panels (including lipid, liver/kidney functions, minerals & bone, fluids & electrolytes), thyroid with TSH profile, iron/blood health, inflammatory markers, male/female hormonal panels and blood sugar (pre-diabetes, diabetes check). For the sample report for Functional Blood Chemistry Assessment Report, Click here.
Hormonal Test
DUTCH (Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones) is considered the most inclusive and accurate hormone test including adrenal hormone/cortisol and sex hormones. Click here for more information or see below for the sample report.
Common hormonal conditions affecting both men and women could cause any of the following signs or symptoms:
- weight gain
- Sleep disturbances/insomnia
- a hump of fat between the shoulders
- unexplained, and sometimes sudden, weight loss
- fatigue
- muscle aches, tenderness, weakness, and stiffness
- pain, stiffness, or swelling in your joints
- increased or decreased heart rate
- increased sensitivity to cold or heat
- constipation or more frequent bowel movements
- frequent urination
- increased thirst
- increased hunger
- decreased sex drive
- depression, nervousness, anxiety, or irritability
- blurred vision
- infertility
- thinning hair or fine, brittle hair
- dry skin
- puffy face, rounded face
- purple or pink stretch marks
Stool (fecal) test
This GI-MAP test reveals potential microbial such as H. Pylori, and other organisms including parasites, candida/yeast as well as overall wellness of one’s gastrointestinal health.
Some conditions/symptoms that warrant this testing are:
- Autoimmune diseases
- Digestive complaints, diarrhea, or constipation
- Brain fog
- Skin problems, like acne and psoriasis
- Mood disorders, depression, and anxiety
- Diabetes and weight loss issues
For more info about the GI-MAP test, Click here.
IgG Food Explorer (Food sensitivity test)
Elevated IgG antibodies can promote systemic (whole-body) inflammation, leading to a variety of unwanted symptoms.
IgG Food Explorer tests immunoglobulin (IgG) antibodies to a variety of common foods. This extensive food sensitivity test can help practitioners pinpoint which foods may be driving symptoms and best prioritize and individualize a diet and lifestyle plan for patients.
Usually, eliminating foods that promote an IgG antibody response can reduce stress on the immune system, lower whole-body inflammation, and help heal the gut. An antibody-guided elimination diet is more reliable and preferable than generalized diet plans or exclusion diets based on food journaling and diet history alone.
IgG Food Explorer provides in-depth insight into adverse food reactions and the symptoms they create.
For more info about the IgG Food Explorer Test, Click here.
IgE Allergy Explorer (Food Allergy test)
IgE is a class of human immunoglobulins or antibodies. Normally, the function of IgE is to fight parasitic infections. IgE antibodies are misdirected in allergic individuals to fight harmless substances like pollen, mite particles, or common foods. Elevated IgE antibodies are necessary for allergies (immediate, Type 1 immune responses) to occur.
For more info about the IgE Allergy Explorer Test, Click here.
Toxic Metals & Elements Panels
Toxic Metals and Elements Panels (TME) use accurate, noninvasive salivary and urinary testing to measure 36 different metals and elements to assess potentially harmful levels of toxic metals and other elements that can accumulate in your body over time.
While the human body needs small amounts of certain elements, elevated levels of specific metals and elements can reach toxic levels. Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium can
be toxic at any level. Dangerous levels of these metals and elements can accumulate
in the body from environmental and ordinary household sources as diverse as steel manufacturing, house painting, in the lining of canned goods, pesticides, soil contamination, and silver amalgam dental fillings.
Salivary/Urinary elemental analysis is intended to give your doctor a test to evaluate exposure to and potential impact of toxic metals, as well as deficient or higher than range levels of essential and trace elements.
Useful for:
- Toxic Element Exposure
- Alopecia
- Bone Density
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Depression
- Dermatitis or Poor Wound Healing
- Detoxification Therapy
- Fatigue
- Gastrointestinal Symptoms
- Hypertension
- Immune Function
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Inflammation
- Kidney Function
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Parkinson’s-like Symptoms
For more info about the Toxic Metals & Elements Panel , click here.
GenomicInsight ®reports on over 3,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in one comprehensive functional DNA test. Online results include therapeutic recommendations backed by the latest medical literature from PubMed, GWAS (genome wide association study), dbSNP, HapMap (haplotype map) and several others.
Data gleaned from Genomic Insight ® informatics uses the latest medical literature to provide relevant information on nutraceuticals, nutritional supplements, diet, and lifestyle interventions that can proactively influence a patient’s SNPs to reduce or prevent disease risk. Furthermore, pharmacogenomic results included in the profile allow practitioners to predict the efficacy of select pharmaceuticals tailored the individual’s genetic make-up.
Neurotransmitter Test
Urinary neurotransmitter testing provides an overall assessment of the body’s ability to secrete and metabolize neurotransmitters and are representative of whole body levels. Neurotransmitters are secreted all through the body, in neurons of both the central and peripheral nervous systems. The enzymes, cofactors and precursors in neurotransmitter metabolism in general are the same in the periphery and in the central nervous system. Therefore, alterations in urinary neurotransmitter levels assessed in urine provide important clinical information, and may be associated with many symptoms including cognitive and mood concerns, diminished drive, fatigue and sleep difficulties, cravings, addictions and pain. Associations between urinary neurotransmitter levels and health conditions have been documented in scientific literature and may provide valuable insights as part of a comprehensive health assessment.
Useful for:
- Mood concerns, such as depression, anxiety
- Diminished energy/fatigue
- Insomnia
- Cognitive concerns such as forgetfulness, inattention, brain fog
- Addiction, dependency
- Obsessions and cravings
- Chronic illness, immune deficiency
- Pain
- Low libido, sexual dysfunction
For more information about the Neurotransmitter test, click here.
Nutritional Health Status Test – OAp-Organic acid Profile is an Organic acid test with a single urine specimen.
The Organix Comprehensive nutritional test is ideal for patients who may suffer from:
- Weight issues
- Oxidative damages, nutritional deficiency
- Compromised detoxification capacity
- Compromised energy, chronic fatigue
- Improper methylation process
- anxiety, depression, mood swings
- Hormonal issues
- Sleep abnormalities
- Chemical Sensitivities
This test is valuable for determining the following;
- Functional vitamin and mineral status
- Amino acid insufficiencies like carnitine and NAC
- Oxidative damage and antioxidant need
- Phase I & Phase II detoxification capacity
- Functional B-complex vitamin need
- Neurotransmitter metabolites
- Mitochondrial energy production
- Methylation sufficiency
- Lipoic acid and CoQ10 status
- Markers for bacterial and yeast overgrowth
The Following are the condition-specific protocols recommended with detailed descriptions;
- Foundational Wellness Protocol
- GI Repair Protocol
- Weight Management Program
- Metabolic Syndrome
- 10-Day Detox Protocol
- Mediclear Detox and Allergy Elimination
- Cancer Supportive Care
Read more about Functional Medicine
For further information and questions about the tests, ask our staff!!
Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The content on this page should not be used as a substitute for the professional advice and/or recommendation of qualified healthcare practitioners or licensed physicians. The content presented in this blog is intended for information purposes only. Consult your doctor or healthcare practitioners for your current conditions.
ChiroPlus Wellness Care, LLC
10700 E. Bethany Dr #207, Aurora, CO 80014