photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash
It is estimated that up to 80% of the general population experience low back pain sometime in their lives. Most of these cases are common back pain. However, there are certain types of low back pain one should not ignore. The ones perhaps need immediate and emergent attention. If not addressed right away, some of these may lead to complications or even risks for one’s life.
As chiropractors, we are trained to diagnose and rule out causes other than musculoskeletal-related low back pain. However, it can be challenging to see it as a non-medical trained person.
I hope this will help the ones who might have these types of pain before assuming it is a musculoskeletal type.
Here are the 5 types;
- Low back pain with fever – fever occurs with infections. There are possible spinal infections such as osteomyelitis, meningitis, spinal abscess, or certain types of metastasized cancer to the spine. Certain types of imaging (x-rays or MRIs) or laboratory tests may be required to rule those out.
- Low back pain not relieved with bed rest or by changes of positions – Most musculoskeletal pain is relieved by bed rest, stretchings, or positional changes. If not relieved with them, the source of the pain must be differential-diagnosed.
- Low back pain without trauma or provocation – In most cases, the cause of the pain is obvious. Although there are unclear causes of pain sometimes, it is not difficult to find a probable cause. But if one cannot find or guess the cause along with some of the previously mentioned types above, it may lead you to suspect some other possibilities.
- Low back pain with anticoagulation medications – If one is on anticoagulation medications, the likelihood of internal bleeding increases. Large blood vessels such as the aortic aorta may be prone to this problem. Internal bleeding may cause abdominal, pelvic, or low back pain. To properly screen and diagnose this, CT scans, MRIs can be used.
- Low back pain with a history of Past malignant diseases or cancers – While there is a high possibility that this might just be a simple musculoskeletal type of low back pain, one should investigate if there is any possibility of metastasis. One of the simple tests that can be used, for example, is ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase). If there is an ongoing catabolic (breaking down bodily tissues) process that is often accompanied by malignant or cancer-struck tissues, the ALP level would increase. This is a part of CMP (Comprehensive Metabolic Panel) that is commonly ordered to screen one’s overall health. This type may present with some of the first 3 reasons discussed above if not all.
While most trained physicians and health care providers should be able to differentially diagnose these, it is beneficial to be aware of these types to seek help in the right place, at least.
Hope you find this post helpful!
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ChiroPlus Wellness Care, LLC
10700 E. Bethany Dr #207, Aurora, CO 80014